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Equine color genetics

Equine color genetics

Equine color genetics

  • Author: D. Phillip Sponenberg
  • publisher: Wiley - Blackwell
  • Year: 2017 (4 Edition)
  • Languages: Ingles
  • dimensions: Width 18.0 cms., Height 26.0 cms.
  • Weight: 980 grs
  • ISBN: 0-8138-1364-6
  • ISBN 13: 9780813813646
  • Book pages: 335
  • Book binding: board
  • colour: colour
  • Availability: On demand

Price: 120.00€ VAT included

Equine Color Genetics, Third Edition, presents the most recent advances in color genetics for breeders of horses, donkeys, and mules. The book provides valuable information that enables breeders to tailor their breeding programs to maximize desired color outcomes and minimize undesired color. The text bridges the gap between the scientific and lay communities without ignoring the intricate and complex issues involved in horse and donkey color genetics. This new edition presents more explicit and detailed explanations than were previously possible, including a more extensive Appaloosa section. The section on donkey colors includes the results of studies in the genetic control of color in this species, which will greatly assist donkey breeders as they tailor breeding programs to their own goals.

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