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Transporting horses

Transporting horses

Transporting horses

  • Author: John Henderson
  • publisher: Allen
  • Year: 2006 (1 Edition)
  • Languages: Ingles
  • dimensions: Width 16.0 cms., Height 24.0 cms.
  • Weight: 900 grs
  • ISBN: 0-85131-878-9
  • ISBN 13: 9780851318783
  • Book pages: 224
  • Book binding: board
  • colour: colour
  • Availability: On demand

Price: 50.00€ VAT included

Ever needed to know how to drive out of a skid on a icy road when pulling a trailer, how to change a wheel, or what procedure you should follow in the event of an accident? Keep this vinyl-backed guide in the glovebox of your vehicle and drive secure in the knowledge that it contains all the information you need. This easy to reference solve all manual deals with all aspects of driving and maintainig trailers and horseoxes, including tests and regulations, safety checks, driving skills, the care and clothing of horses and ponies in transit, loading problems, accident precautions and procedures, mechanical problems and much more.

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