Edición original de 1938. Primeras fotografías documentadas de buitres en la Sierra de San Bartolo (Cádiz) "This book is an account of a trip made to South Spain by three undergraduates, of whom I was one, to get the first cole-up photographs of a Griffon Vulture at its nest. As such it explains itself. We went a little over a year before the Civil War broke out": Robert Atkinson. Contents: Foreword. Route for Spain. Cross Country. Nest with Egg. Nest with Hide. Nest with Griffon. The Griffon from the Hide. The Griffon´s Neighbours. Permicion. The Stolen Day. Turismo. Temporaly Vagrant. Lakeside. Last Attempt. Northward Home. Largest and fiercest of all European birds is the Griffon Vulture. High up in the Sierras of Southern Spain, on precipitous and inaccessible ledges, these great birds have their homes. There are stuffed specimens of them in most museums; but to make personal acquaintance with them, to examine their nests and eggs, to photograph them at point blank range, that was a feat no naturalist had achievesuntil Mr. Atkinson came on the scene. In this book he tells us how, as an undergraduate, he set out from Cambridge with two friends in a small sports car, how he came to the Sierras, and how for days on end he lived in compan with the great birds, photographing them, their nests, eggs and young, at his will. It is a book of adventure as well as of natural history, and the author writes withe a most attractive pen.
First documented photographs about griffons in San Bartolo mountain range (Cádiz). Good condition, with a light staining of moisture drops. Signed - Dust jacket printed on a copy of the original.