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La visión de la civilización náhuatl sobre el mundo.

La visión de la civilización náhuatl sobre el mundo.

La visión de la civilización náhuatl sobre el mundo.

  • Author: Magdalena Defort
  • publisher: Editorial Académica Española
  • Year: 2012 (1 Edition)
  • Languages: Español
  • dimensions: Width 17.0 cms., Height 24.0 cms.
  • Weight: 350 grs
  • ISBN: 9783659025754
  • ISBN 13: 9783659025754
  • Book pages: 88
  • Book binding: rustic
  • colour: b/w
  • Availability: In stock

Price: 39.00€ VAT included

A volume provides the insight into one of the most developed Mesoamerican civilization: the Nahuatl. An author analyzes its cosmology and vision about the world, importance to maintain stability in the world through the sacrifice of the warriors and prisoners of the flower wars and a profound concern of the Náhuatl people about maintaining the peace. In the Nahuatl philosophy, making wars to achieve the peace has its reference to the current world, e.g. military humanitarian interventions in a country in conflict to bring the peace and prevention from infecting other regions. The volume is a quest for the Náhuatl legacy in the contemporary vision about peace and war. The poems and oral stories transcribed into Latin alphabet by the Spanish missioners included in the book, are essential for analysis of the Nahuatl concepts like war, sacrifice, stability and their references to the current political affairs. The presence of Mesoamerican cosmology in the Mexican literature and culture is relevant for this study. The volume is a comprehensible analysis of the pre-Colombian wisdom influence on the formation of the current vision about the world.

Additional info

Libros de impresión bajo demanda. Tiempo aproximado de entrega 7-15 días.

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