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Food Futures. Sensory explorations in Food Design

Food Futures. Sensory explorations in Food Design

Food Futures. Sensory explorations in Food Design

  • Author: Kate Sweetapple; Gemma Warriner (eds.)
  • publisher: Promopress
  • Year: 2017 (1 Edition)
  • Languages: Ingles
  • dimensions: Width 22.0 cms., Height 26.0 cms.
  • Weight: 1250 grs
  • ISBN: 84-16504-65-2
  • ISBN 13: 9788416504657
  • Book pages: 260
  • Book binding: board
  • colour: colour
  • Availability: On demand

Price: 39.95€ VAT included

Food Futures presents a collection of design projects illustrating the possibilities that new technologies open up to designers and the way we perceive food from a design perspective. This book explores current experimentation and innovation in food design from both material and conceptual points of view. The projects selected for this edition have been realized through design, and perform inquiries into our responsibility, our relationship with food and the acts that surround it, and how social and environmental changes will transform the way we experience food in the future.

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